Solar Doesn’t Take Weekends Or Holidays Off, Your Monitoring Shouldn’t Either

Who is monitoring your commercial or utility-scale solar array when everyone has gone home?

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Owning a solar facility is unlike many other businesses, they don’t recognize holidays, or even weekends for that matter. Therefore managing a solar facility requires a different approach. If you are the owner of a solar project, it is imperative to have dedicated expert solar professionals in place monitoring your system 365 days a year. Unrecognized problems can easily cost you tens of thousands of dollars before you know it.

Any number of issues can affect the savings and revenue from your system including:

– grid outages;

– inverter issues;

– component failures;

– communication malfunctions and more.

If any one of these issues continues for any longer than a few days with a commercial system (or a few hours with a utility-scale system), the losses very quickly add up. You need the insights and reliability of a dedicated team to be able to quickly identify problems and coordinate a response. That is why system owners across the region have turned to Suntility and our active remote monitoring services. These services are the veritable stitch in time that saves nine.

Learn how Suntility’s professional solar services can help you and your existing solar array achieve success. Contact us today at 508-538-4-Sun.